Heritage House Childcare
This is a job we completed last year for Heritage House Childcare, featuring synthetic grass, landscaping, a water play area, and a custom mound slide with crawl through tunnel.
Synthetic Grass has a wide variety of applications and benefits. It can be laid on its own as a “Wear Layer” or teamed with a soft fall underlay to provide a soft fall surface where play equipment or a softer surface is required.
We only use Synthetic Grass products that have been manufactured in Australian to Australian safety standards and Australian conditions.
This is a job we completed last year for Heritage House Childcare, featuring synthetic grass, landscaping, a water play area, and a custom mound slide with crawl through tunnel.
Does your surface comply with Australian standards? Playground surfacing must meet the test requirements of AS 4422.
Indoor daycare centre in Sydney. We incorporate rubber and synthetic grass with all natural products to get some fantastic results.